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Smart City Ideathon was a national level competiton held at "A P SHAH INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY", Thane with the vision to help students explore their creative minds focusing on real time problems.This event was presented by Lakshya held on "29th March 2019", in association with Directorate of Technical Education, Indian Society for Technical Education, Thane Smart City, CII Education Excellence Forum and Enroot Mumbai. The initiative not only helped the students learn the skills of working as a team, presenting themselves but also gave them the opportunity to showcase what a "smart city" really meant to them. It was a proud moment for APSIT having amazing response with over "127 teams" from all around the country participating in the events.Students had the option of picking one of any four domains, on which they then went on and brainstormed themselves along with their colleagues. Domains included " Public Health & Security, Education & Employment, Mobility, Environment Conservation".There were a few ideas that really intrigued the judges as well as the crowd that stood out and won them awards.